Sunday, February 24, 2019

Daily Preparedness Tip: Spend $5 or $10 a Week on Preps

When people think of "getting prepared" they are often overwhelmed, first because they don't know where to start and second, they make up a huge shop list and then think they can't afford it.  Prepping can easily be done incrementally by spending only $5 or $10 a week to add to your preps.  $5 can buy you a case of water and a mylar blanket.  $10 at the dollar store can buy you a flashlight, batteries, a box of matches, two cans of soup, two tarps, some paracord, a glowstick, and a box of bandaids.  It's slow going but eventually you will have a significant stockpile of basic supplies to help you through a disaster.  And if there is a bigger purchase you want to make--like a sleeping bag or weather radio--save up your weekly $10 until you can buy the item (on sale, of course).

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