Thursday, January 24, 2019

Always Carry the 10 Essentials When Hiking

Just a quick reminder to always carry the ten essentials while hiking, even if you will only be gone for a few hours.  We had a couple guys here a few weeks ago who were eager to head out hiking at the many great hiking spots around Las Vegas.  When I outfitted them with some day hiking gear they both left the "ten essentials" packets I put in their packs.  Well, they are adults and can do what they want and they both have quite a bit of experience with doing long trails but for average mortals, carrying the ten essentials is a no-brainer and adds very little weight to your pack and even if you are a backpacking expert, these items can be lifesaving in an emergency.

Here's what to carry:

  1. Navigation (map, compass, GPS device)
  2. Sun protection (hat, sunglasses, sunscreen)
  3. Insulation (hat, jacket, rain shell, etc)
  4. Illumination (flashlight, head lamp)
  5. First aid supplies (basic first aid kit)
  6. Fire (matches, lighter)
  7. Repair kit/tools (multi tool, pocketknife, etc)
  8. Nutrition (food)
  9. Hydration (water, water purification tabs)
  10. Emergency shelter (Mylar blanket, tarp)
Even if you have a lot of hiking experience, even if you only plan to be gone a few hours, even if you are in stellar shape physically, accidents can happen (example here) and you need to be able to take care of yourself while you wait for help to arrive (example here).

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