Monday, November 19, 2018

Situating Your Home in the Era of Climate Change

I came across this article about the wisdom of letting Malibu burn.  Obviously it didn't go over real well with people who actually live in Malibu but it is infinitely logical (if you locate your home in the middle of a tinderbox don't be surprised when it burns and no, the fire department isn't going to risk life and limb--or the lives of other people--to save your home and belongings duh).

While I'm nearly leaning towards the common sense alternative of having a mobile home a la a large RV that you can move at whim, I've lived in a large RV before and it isn't all it's cracked up to be.  So most people will want an actual house where they can live with their worldly possessions and situating this home has several considerations:

  • Where do you want to live?  Usually this goes right along with where do you work but as nomadic/remote jobs become a thing this seems to be less of a consideration (unless you are immediately tied to Silicon Valley then good luck with that and I hope you don't mind selling a kidney just for a month's rent).
  • Once you know where you want to live you need to determine the specific part of town you want to live in.  Places I would avoid putting down permanent roots would include any place that is below sea level (I'm looking at you New Orleans), any place that is in a reservoir, anywhere near the coast, and any place prone to wildfires.  Obviously other natural disaster areas, where tornadoes and hurricanes are common for example, should be looked at very carefully.
  • You need to figure out what you are willing to deal with (is snow and ice OK? or is very high heat better?) as well as look at possible long-term problems in the area (our area should be running out of water in a relatively short period of time...why they keep building thousands and thousands of new houses here each and every year is a mystery to me).
  • And of course there are a lot of other things to take into consideration when deciding where the best place to live survival-wise is (a good overview here).  Cost of living, crime, nearness to family, gun laws, and taxes are the most common factors people look at when deciding where to live.
  • Obviously you can't plan for everything and disasters literally happen everywhere so finding one perfect spot to live for the rest of your life is pretty difficult.  In such a case you need an excellent bug out plan, the ability to pick and and move away with your most important possessions, good full-coverage home insurance, and possibly a secondary home to relocate to (that may be a vacation home/cabin, and RV, etc).
The bottom line is to NOT live in a place where certain disasters are common and then #1 not have a bug out plan, #2 be shocked when said disaster happens, #3 wonder why you can't get home insurance, #4 have no plan to go forward after your home and neighborhood is wiped out.

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