Sunday, December 22, 2013

10 Things to Give Your Guests

We've been inundated with house guests the past week or so (hence the lack of posts lately).  As with anything, we are as prepared for guests as we are for winter emergencies and car trips.  Here's 10 things we do to prepare for guests:

  1. Ensure the guest rooms and guest bathroom are ready (cleaned, fresh sheets, working smoke detectors, flashlights with fresh batteries next to their beds, etc).
  2. Have a stock of supplies for our guests (extra toothbrushes, extra tooth paste, shampoo, soap, etc).
  3. Put our firearms away (our firearms are within easy reach in nearly every room of our home; with people other than the spouse and I at home I secure them all in a gun cabinet).
  4. Have a handful of spare house keys made (our general policy is that people who come to visit are given a key to the house and are encouraged to come and go as they please).
  5. Have a quick run though of our home systems with the guests (how the TVs work, how the heating/air conditioning system works, how the home security system works, etc).
  6. Maps (while most guests have GPS in their cars, some don't.  We keep a supply of maps of Las Vegas on hand then when they ask about places they want to go, we whip out a map, make notes, and give it to them).
  7. Things to do (ditto, most guests already have a plan for what they want to do but we keep a list of weekly events that are happening around town on hand so they will have other options if needed).
  8. Show tickets (we have a couple of subscription services for show tickets which provide free last minute show tickets and offer these to our guests if they want them).
  9. Food (we--um, the spouse--cooks like crazy for any guests we have.  Generally we provide a big breakfast and dinner for guests then they are on their own for lunch.  This is one way we rotate through our stored food and one reason our food stockpile is made up of food that, unlike MREs, we can easily add into our general cooking).
  10. Water (we live in a desert so it is second nature to stockpile water and provide it to guests for both drinking while they are at the house and to take with them as they gallivant around the city). 

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