Tuesday, March 13, 2012

10 Things...

...In no particular order...
  1. The CNI website was a mess yesterday; it's better today.
  2. End of an era: Encyclopedia Brittanica stops printing
  3. You don't send someone with a traumatic brain injury into combat (duh)
  4. Pain at the pump...with no end in sight.
  5. I'm all for prepping...but this is a bit extreme.
  6. Bye bye Bear...
  7. Here's hoping you are in the 40%.
  8. This may not go over too well...at least not in any public place I can think of.
  9. One of my favorite sites on the web: TED (followed by TEDMed, TEDEd, and TEDX)
  10. And my second favorite site.


  1. Boy...I'm glad I got three complete Encyclopedias Britt. for ten dollars a set. One set at home, another at my cabin and the third stored in the shed. If another set comes along I will but it.

  2. Yep...nothing like having actual books to read when TSHTF. Im guessing people will have more of a problem with lack of electricity to power their gadgets than anything else.

  3. I also have a manual typewriter in perfect shape, lost of ribbons for it. Tools, I got a hand power grinder.. Got an oliveti calculator new in a box (boxed for the last 50 years)Its really big and heavy but needs no electricity and can only go to millions. I love having all these old things.(and I'm not talking about the wife)
