- It came in e-book form. This is a good thing. No going to the library, getting on the waiting list, and waiting. No ordering it on Amazon and waiting for the UPS driver to bring it to my door. No going to the bookstore and hunting for it among the shelves. It was instantaneously delivered to my email. Super convenient.
- The e-book didn't disappoint. I was already sold on Mr Luna's self employment theories when I read his first book, How to Be Invisible. Reading this book just reinforced my initial theory that his ideas have significant merit and that everyone can learn something from what he writes about.
- The book covers basic theories of self employment which each person needs to put into practice for themselves. This is also a good thing. There is no such thing as "follow these ten steps explicitly and you will be successful." If someone promises you such a thing you need to run the other way because there are so many variables that having the basic theories down pat are far more valuable than following the same exact path as someone else.
- The book delves into a number of other areas that are marginally related to self employment but mostly related to personal responsibility which is the bedrock of any successful life IMHO. Things like keeping your word, not complicating your business or your life unnecessarily, living within your means, carrying cash, etc. Good stuff.
- The first sentence of Chapter 1 is like a splash of cold water. "For the majority of today's high school graduates, going on to college is an unjustifiable waste of time and money." Wow. It may be true but few people have the guts to state such a "heretical" idea. Obviously with such a bold statement, you want to read more. Throughout the book, he proves this point.
- I don't know whether to consider this serendipitous or not but just this week, I received my acceptance letter to a local university. Similar to Mr Luna who dropped out of college after three years, I also dropped out of college many years ago. I probably have more community college credits than one would think possible simply because I take classes that interest me or that I feel would be useful, however, I never did go back to college to actually finish a degree. I do, however, work mostly with people who have at minimum Masters degrees, mostly, these people are well-respected PhDs. Kind of intimidating. So a couple of months ago I felt the need to actually "finish college". If I am directing people with PhDs, shouldn't I at least have some kind of degree? I though so, which is why I was pretty much focused on going back to college, graduating, and getting the piece of paper that would make me "official". I'm not sure if it is because I have been up for more than 20 hours, or because if I look at the situation logically--I have been successfully self employed for more than 20 years--I am seriously having second thoughts about my need for a degree. This may be the tipping point for not getting a degree. In that case, this e-book just saved me approximately $9000 which I was prepared to write a check for in the next few weeks.
- I liked the tone of the book. As I was reading thorough it, thoughts of my grandfather kept popping into my mind. Although Mr Luna is a couple of decades younger than my grandfather, the things he writes about in his book--everything from reminiscing about being a fire lookout to carrying cash to take care of any problem that may arise to reading voraciously to coming up with clever ways to make money--reminded me of my grandfather. This is exactly the advice he gave so many years ago and if I would have just PAID ATTENTION, the information would have saved me untold grief and many, many, many thousands of dollars.
- Overall, I recommend this book for people who are deciding whether or not to go to college or if you are older and considering the possibility of starting your own business. I also suggest everyone read 'How to Be Invisible' as well.
If you need some more convincing about the "value" of a degree, here's some links:
- A couple with $700,000 in student loan debt (apparently they became doctors but can't do simple math)
- Law degree can't guarantee job offer.
- Top 10 Reasons Why College Graduates Can't Find a Job
- A Degree Doesn't Mean a Job
- Alumna Sues College Because She Hasn't Found a Job (which just goes to show that you can have a degree and no common sense)
If I had a quarter for every college graduate who whined about not being able to get a job even though they have a degree, like somehow having a piece of paper entitles them to a job...
You're obviously not a native of Californication.
ReplyDeleteIf you were, you would be defending the socialist indoctrination establishment - especially its highest levels, where the incompetent teachers of today were born - at all cost.
"Education" is the most-valued sacred cow of the political left because, like "The Church" of old, it enables them to move the lies of tyranny under the guise of "enlightenment".
The best thing anyone can do who wants to "make the world a better place" is leave the union-labor bureaucracy and start a business/go to work in the private sector. Ex: Wal-Mart has done more to help the working poor than the political class ever dreamed of, and that's probably the chief reason they want to get rid of it!
I'm not sure how old your grandfather was in 2010..but J.J. Luna was over 80 years old. He is still alive and kicking and coming out several new ebooks along with a new revised "Be Invisible" book with new material this month.