Monday, April 21, 2008

CNI Challenge #2--Live Out of Your BOB for the Weekend

You have a BOB. It's probably been packed, repacked, evaluated, and reevaluated, however have you ever had to live out of it? Here's the challenge: Some Friday after work, pick up the family and everyone's Bug Out Bags then head to your local park or campground for the weekend. See if you can live out of your BOBs--we're talking food, shelter, clothing, hygiene supplies, EVERYTHING--without having to rely on outside help or supplies. On Sunday evening trundle the family back home and create an "after action report". What went well? What went badly? What supplies did you need but not have? What supplies did you have but not need? How can you refine your BOB to make your next challenge outing (or disaster experience) less challenging?


  1. I agree 100% with this idea - by using your gear and testing your skills you will hone your bob to an efficient carry that maximizes its usefulness to weight ratio.

  2. This is really fun for kids as well as adults. Even if you can't get out of the house for the weekend to practice all your skills at once, you can knock off one skill at a time on the spur of the moment. This week I took one of the boys for a haircut, then he wanted a knit cap from the surplus store to cover his "buzz." While there, I bought a couple of MREs and we made lunch for the rest of the family, learning the ins and outs of the various items in the packets. Everyone wanted to read the nutritional info, play with the matches and hoard the unused goodies for their daypacks. We were impressed by the heat output of the chemical heat packs or whatever they are called. Another time, my youngest son begged me to play in the yard, but he wanted to set up his tarp from his pack. So we found a tree, set up a shelter, discussed knots, laughed loads and looked at clouds.

  3. Took the challenge last weekend. VERY eye opening. I have more than a few years of professional backcountry experience and what I had was barely adequate to keep me safe and warm within the parameters I set out for myself. Several major things are getting changed: boots, pack, and sleep system. I also realized that for where I live, it isn't realistic to walk out of the area with anything less than a full expedition style set up. Gives me lots to think about. Good challenge, thanks for the motivation.

  4. What's a good inventory for a bug out bag?
