Wednesday, August 1, 2007

What's In Your Concealed Carry Holster?

I am not so much of a gun aficionado that I have a stellar collection of firearms, a to-die-for (no pun intended) handgun that I am salivating over or a monthly subscription to every firearm magazine on the market. What I do have is a small collection of weapons to meet just about every conceivable need that may arise.

For concealed carry, I am particularly fond of the Kel-Tec P3AT. In my everyday work I don't need heavy duty firepower, something that can withstand heavy duty use or state-of-the-art materials. What I do need is a reliable handgun that shoots cleanly, is reasonably well made and ultra concealable so I can put it in a briefcase or conceal it easily under my clothes no matter the weather. The P3AT fits all of these needs. Chambered in .380, this little handgun (check out the picture--it's only slightly bigger than a pack of playing cards) has a solid feel, smooth trigger pull and is actually pretty accurate. The only "negatives" I would report are related to the size of the handgun--if you have really big hands you may find this uncomfortable to shoot or draw very quickly and, also due to its size, this isn't a gun you are going to want to practice with every day. However, the trade-offs are more than worth it as it meets the need for its intended use--concealment and having a dependable weapon on hand for what, to date, has been the exceedingly rare emergency.

Whatever you decide to carry, if you decide to carry, make sure you are picking a weapon based on your own needs. The most expensive, biggest or most popular weapon may not be at all what you actually need and rather than being a blessing could turn out to be a curse.


  1. So what are the other fire arms you keep on hand. I am in the process of outfitting my house for survival, and fire arm training is among the skills at the top of my list. Once I have the proper training, I hope to purchase the most essential fire arms. In what order would you recommend I do so.


  2. An excellent question which deserves a pretty detailed answer...check out today's post for my take on what you need to look at in respect to firearms for personal and home protection.

  3. I see the KelTec .380 in your article. I'm guessing the small weapon is for discretion. I suggest, if one is to carry a pistol, carry a high-quality pistol like a Glock or Colt Lightweight Officer's model 1911. Both can be had in serious cartridges like .40 S&W or .45 ACP. The Glock, as I'm sure you know, can also be had in the very small 30-series models. If it's important enough to to carry a weapon to preserve your life or that of another, it's important enough to carry the most powerful pistol you can operate well and conceal well. If price is the issue, consider this thought - "What's your life worth?"

  4. I generally carry a Sig 9mm however the .380 is my backup and for times when I need to carry very discretely this little handgun fits the bill (but I like my Sig and H&K better...).

  5. In regard to your learned
    Friday, April 10, 2009
    Article - Blog - CNI Website
    (From Reed Kinney, I reside in Shreve, Ohio)
    Dear Sir,

    You write well. Survival information is pertinent given the fact that the self-destructive processes of our socioeconomic system have become glaringly self-evident to most.

    Should nuclear war be averted, we may shift into the neo-dark ages quite rapidly. In some ways, should decentralization actualize in conjunction with eco-technology, this prospect may represent a better way of life for most than for people in our current mass centrist society. Were that the case, people would manufacture most of their modern enough weapons in their community eco-factories. Sustainable, decentralization is a fact in progress. (google: Open Source technology)

    I just moved back from having been expatriated in Mexico City for several years. And, at the moment, firearms usually require some purchasing power to access. I don’t have money, and when I do, I will purchase the least expensive firearm. A single shot 12 Ga. shotgun.

    Other accessible weapons are reminiscent of the middle ages, staff, ax and blades. (Although, for $145.00 Cold Steel sells a pragmatic 1919 cutlass.)

    For the purpose of self-defense you simply use what ever you can that you know will drop a man.

    Weapons to one side, much survival gear is accessible at little, or no cost. Much of one’s ability to get through hard times has to do with knowledge, resourcefulness, versatility, and improvisation.

    The concept that most survivalists convey is that mass centrist society will somehow rise from the ashes like some great phoenix. That may not be the case at all. Our lives may encounter no outside world and realize that we the people are the sole means of creating the needed alternative society to replace the failed socioeconomic systems that even now are falling down around our ears.

    Sincerely yours, Reed Kinney
